Anne Gihlemoen
“Is there a Bible quote that is extra special to you? Do you like to take pictures? What about combinging those two and submit your result to the SOMA BIBLIA WALL KALENDA COMPETITION.”
This is a really exciting challenge to alle our fellow Bible readers:
- find your favorite quote from the Bible and illustrate it with a photograph.
- Send the picture and the quote to us, and be a part of our competition.
The four best pictures and quotes will have their contribution published in our Wall Calender 2017.
Everyone with a camera can participate!
Submit your picture and quote to:
All submissions must have been sent by June 3rd.
Competition rules and regulations:
1. The competition is open to everybody.
2. The photo should be inspired and followed by a quote from the Bible. The quote must be no longer than 40 words. The admitter must be aware that the jury are free to change the Bible quote if they find the picture more in line with another quote.
3. The photograph and Bible quote must be admitted by e-mail or through the messenger service on our Facebook page.
4. Submitter must enclose full name, phone number and address upon submitting.
5. Any people (grown-ups and children the same) pictured in the photograph must agree upon being photographed, and must agree that you are entering the picture into the competition. They must also be made aware and agree that if the photo is chosen, it will be printed on the Soma Biblia wall calender 2017, and might also be used for other purposes in the Soma Biblia publishing department.
6. Soma Biblia reserves the right to publish submissions in original or edited version, in the Soma Biblia wall calender 2017 and other publications. Published photographs will be credited with the photographer’s name.
7. Submitters may only participate with photographs they themselves have captured. It is the contributor’s responsibility to ensure having copyright to the photograph.
8. Unlawful, indecent or offensive submissions will be discarded.
9. The submitter must inform the jury if a photograph has been manipulated in some sort.
10. The winners are chosen by a jury consisting of the publishing manager, the editor and the layout responsible at Soma Biblia. The winners will be contacted.
The winners will receive a book gift worth 30 000 TSH, 5 2017 wall calenders and 5 2017 Bible Calenders.